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We have scheduled this post relating to the idea of "slow living" before the pandemic, before we became confined to our spaces, before many of us started re-evaluating our daily routines. This post was written by Dorota (originally in French), and is published in two versions, English and French. You see, "slow living", enjoying everyday life, taking your time, have always been enjoyed in her family. Read on!

One day a friend whom I invited to my house said to me: "In France people take their time". I asked her what she meant - she made me realize that the French enjoy almost every moment of their daily lives.

That day I was preparing a zucchini gratin using the ingredients that I had previously bought at the farmers market. She watched me peel the vegetables, cook them in a frying pan and finally put them in the oven with other ingredients. While they were cooking I made a flan for dessert.

Thanks to her remark, I realized that our life has a different structure from hers, a fact that I never gave any thought before. Every day we sit at the table, together, to eat. We light candles, we serve the meals on pretty plates. We relax, we savour our food, we talk, we share the experiences of our day. We are having a good time (with some exceptions :))

Besides, do you know what the French are talking about at noon? The answer: "What are we going to eat in the evening ... :)"

In any case, you too can try to take your time. It's not very hard. Just find a new recipe (or use your favorite one), make note of the ingredients (do you have a farmers market, or a shop with fresh produce, not far away?). Set the table and enjoy cooking and serving something good to your family or friends. The discussion will follow on its own.

(by Dorota)

Un jour, une amie que j'ai invité chez moi m'a dit:

"En France les gens prennent leur temps".

Je lui ai demandé ce qu'elle voulait dire: Elle m'a fait réaliser que les Français savourent presque chaque instant de leur quotidien .

Ce jour-là j'étais en train de préparer un gratin de courgettes que j"avais auparavant acheté au marché.

Elle me regardé les éplucher, les faire cuir dans une poêle et finalement les mettre au four avec d'autres ingrédients.

Pendent qu'elles cuisaient j'ai préparé un flan pour le dessert

Grâce à sa remarque je me suis rendue compte que notre vie était très structurée.

Chaque jour on s’assoie à table pour manger. On allume des bougies, on présente les plats dans des jolies assiettes. On se détend, on savoure le repas, on discute, on échange. On passe un bon moment (sauf exception :) )

D'ailleurs, savez-vous de quoi parlent les Français à midi?,

La réponse:" De ce qu'ils vont manger le soir...:)"

En tout cas vous aussi , vous  pouvez essayer de prendre votre temps. Ce n'est pas très difficile. Il suffit de trouver une nouvelle recette, choisir soigneusement les ingrédients avez-vous un marché pas très loin?).

Mettez la table et prenez du plaisir à cuisiner et servir quelque chose de bon à votre famille ou vos amis . La discussion va suivre toute seule.

(par Dorota)

We are using this post to let you know that we are fine here in France, staying put to the best our abilities, in our homes. And we would like to know how you are, and how you are coping with the new reality. We hope you are all safe and healthy!


Love from all of us at My French Maison


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