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We see these pretty vintage toast racks when we visit the flea markets, and most people pass them by. Because, really, they are things of the past. We have electric toasters to conveniently pop in and pop out our slices or bread, all warm and deliciously crusty. No one makes breakfast a big affair.

But what about the object itself? It is not a novel idea, mind you, but it begs to be mentioned again. Organizing our desk has never been so rewarding before with this pretty toast rack. It holds envelopes, pretty cards, just waiting to scribble a quick note to a friend. Which is a more personal form of communication in the age of texting and email anyway!

We found this handsome piece - where else? - at the flea market. And now we can keep our paper bits and pieces all neat in one place, AND have a stylish addition to our desk.

Our pretty toast rack/letter holder (made by renowned luxury manufacturer ERCUIS) is now in our shop, you can se it by clicking HERE.


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