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Les Puces are back, and we are back at Les Puces! There was much joy when our local "flea" re-opened after confinement mid May. A lot of joy, and also lot of uncertainty. Who would have ever thought we could be in constant danger of getting a virus? We are living in historic times, my friends...

So there was a lot of cheering, but no hugging, nor the habitual "les bises". All the means of safety were observed - the "gestes barrières", keeping distance from one another, masks, plenty of alcoholic gel. The management of the market has done a wonderful job making sure the place is safe and ready for business under current guidelines of the state.

But in spite of all this, the atmosphere was there - our friendly vendors, beautiful objects to be discovered, the smiles (behind the masks, but the eyes were smiling!). And some tears, because we were happy we're all together after two months...

Personally, even if we don't find anything at the flea market (which is a rare occurrence), we go for the sheer excitement of the possibility. But we did find a lot of new lovely things! My French Maison shop was almost empty of linen torchons, and now that we have two online shops (our Etsy shop is still open, check it out HERE), we work like busy bees to find appropriate items for both.

We feature our latest finds on Instagram regularly, and you can also visit our WELCOME page for a quick look at our NEW IN STORE gallery.

Thank you for being here! Things are not back to normal yet, and we still see longer deliveries than before, so big Merci to the clients who have purchased from us during these challenging times.

We hope you are all well and safe -

Joanna and Dorota


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